About SPG.

Who is behind this new gunsmithing business in Sheridan?
Meet Mike Miller. He’s a Navy Veteran who moved to Sheridan, Wyoming, in 2017 with his family, following 20 years of service to our great nation. Starting Spartan Precision Gunsmithing allows Mike to follow in his father’s footsteps, who has been a master gunsmith for almost 50 years.
Mike offers a wide variety of services at Spartan Precision Gunsmithing. He is a certified Cerakote applicator (earned in June 2018) which allows him to customize your weapon with the protective ceramic coating in colors and designs of your choosing.
Mike graduated from gunsmithing school, which has provided the foundation for the full spectrum of capabilities you'd expect from a gunsmith.
Read more about how Mike got started, with support from the University of Wyoming's Small Business Development Center Network here:
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